The Geodetic Colloquium at KIT is an event where speakers from science, industry, and administration give lectures on current topics in geodesy and geoinformatics.
datesAt the GIK scientists from different fields of geodesy and geoinformatics teach and research. Our topics concern objects in industrial production as well as spatio-temporal geodata or the System Earth.
The scales considered range from micrometers to light-years in space and from fractions of a second to centuries in time. The institute consists of three professorships and has a collegial institute management.
Together with the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF), it supports the German-language B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses "Geodesy and Geoinformatics" and the English-language M.Sc. course "Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics".

560 seismic stations at the WINSENT wind power test site in the Schwäbischen Alb
Das Geodätische Institut beteiligt sich mit einem Präsenz- und einem Online-Vortrag am diesjährigen Studieninformationstag des KIT
GIK and IPF at InterGeo, the geoindustry's top international event, from September 24th to 26th, 2024 in Stuttgart.
On an excursion to VMT, the students of GuG gained exciting insights into industrial measurement technology and data analysis.
The Board of the KIT Department “Natural and Built Environment” around Prof. Johannes Orphal introduced themselves at the Geodetic Institute and informed themselves about the activities of the three professorships.
The measurement robot RITA was exhibited and demonstrated live at the Night of Science.
On Sunday, 10.9.23, the Geodetic Institute will participate in the nationwide "Open Monument Day" with a laser scanning demonstration.
The Geodetic Institute is participating in the Geodesy Action Week in Baden-Württemberg with several events.
Placement of „ReGrow“-Elements at
German National Garden Show Mannheim 2023
As part of the course for GuG Master "Building Information Modeling (BIM)" our students together with our lecturer Beatrice Messmer were on an excursion on May 31, 2023. They visited Drees und Sommer in Stuttgart-Vaihingen and Züblin - Bonatzbau at Stuttgart 21.
On November 12, six alumni of the former diploma program 'Geodesy' visited their former educational institution.
On the rooftop of building 20.40, students of the 5th bachelor semester were able to take a look at the partial solar eclipse on 25.10.2022 despite cloudy conditions. For this purpose, theodolites with solar filters were set up by Dr. Kurt Seitz.
Studierende der Geodäsie und Geoinformatik haben bei der Hochschulgruppe Ka-RaceIng GNSS-Messungen vorgenommen.
Gemeinsam mit den anderen Akteuren der Karlsruher Arbeitsgruppe „Aktionswoche Geodäsie“ präsentierte sich das GIK auf der „Bunten Nacht der Digitalisierung“ am 1.7.2022 im Foyer des Karlsruher Rathauses.
Am 29.6.2022 hatte ein Team des GIK die Gelegenheit, eine 10. Klasse der Waldorfschule Offenburg im Mathe-Unterricht zu unterstützen.
moreMaster students of the M.Sc. program Geodäsie und Geoinformatik programmed geodata apps.
Students of the Master program Geodäsie und Geoinformatik modelled buildings of the KIT Campus South in 3D with CityGML.
Currently, a student of the Course Geodesy and Geoinformatics is supporting surveying work at the archeological excavation site of Pergamon (Turkey). Students have been contributing to this project for many years.
Because of the great success of the program, the course is supported for four more years.
moreIt takes place every semester during lecture times, on Thursday afternoons at 16:15.
In the course of the Corona Pandemic, the Geodetic Colloquium was held for the first time in the form of online presentations with great success.
The lectures for the winter semester 2020/21 are currently being prepared. Due to the current situation, they will again be held as online events. Further information including the exact schedule will follow after the summer break at this point.
On this occasion, a commemorative publication was produced which provides a historical overview of the Institute's development in research, teaching and innovation. Ongoing research work and current results are presented as well as activities and perspectives in teaching.
The commemorative publication has been published in the publication series of the KIT study program Geodesy and Geoinformatics.