The Geodetic Institute (GIK) is situated in the Architekturgebäude 20.40 on the Englerstraße 7 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie (KIT), Campus South
Visitor Adress: KIT-Campus Süd |
Postal Adress: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) GERMANY |
Geographical Coordinates: N 49.01090° E 008.41080°
The Außenstelle Post (Physical Geodesy) is situated at Kaiserstraße 14 (over the Shop of Deutschen Post) (see map).
By train:
from Frankfurt: TGV or ICE to Karlsruhe Main Station
from Freiburg: ICE or EC to Karlsruhe Main Station
from Stuttgart: TGV or ICE/IC to Karlsruhe Main Station
from Straßburg: TGV or ICE to Karlsruhe Main Station
By car:
Autobahn A5 exit Karlsruhe-Durlach in the direction Stadtmitte to Durlacher Tor
In general, driving onto campus isn't possible (see parking opportunities down below).
Within Karlsruhe:
Tram from the Main Station:
Line 3 in the direction Rintheim, exit Kronenplatz
Line S7 in the direction Tullastraße, exit Kronenplatz (underground)
Line S4 in the direction Grötzingen, Bretten, Eppingen, exit Kronenplatz (underground)
Line 2 in the direction Wolfartsweier, exit Kronenplatz (underground)
zum Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund (KVV)
Recommended Car Parks (with costs):
Free Car Park:
- Waldparkplatz (by foot to campus 14 min)