Current research topics at the Department of Geoinformatics:
- Big Spatio-Temporal Data
- Geosensors
- Travel Mode Detection
- Topology in n-dimensional spaces
- 3D/4D Geographic Information Systems
The Geoinformatics Research Network at KIT, in close collaboration with the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF) as well as international partners, acts as an interdisciplinary "hub" linking together the fields of Geodesy, Earth Sciences and Geoinformatics. Through the combination of Geoinformatics and Geodesy as well as Machine Learning, new fields of research are to be developed.
Members of the Chair of Geoinformatics are currently active in the two ISPRS Working Groups WG IV/4 "Data Management for Spatial Scenarios" und ICWG III/IVb "Remote Sensing Data Quality".