The TanDEM-X satellite mission overcomes some of the limitations of classical monostatic interferometry, in which radar images are compared with each other that were recorded with a time interval of days or weeks. TanDEM-X consists of a formation of two almost identical satellites that simultaneously record two radar images from slightly different positions. In contrast to monostatic recordings, this bistatic recording mode allows a DEM to be calculated from each individual pass of the pair of satellites, making the influence of temporal changes in backscatter and atmospheric conditions negligible.
The case studies show that various phenomena at active volcanoes associated with volume and topography changes can be investigated with high accuracy using bistatic TanDEM-X images.
- Kubanek, J., Westerhaus, M., Heck, A., Raible, B., Heck, B. (2018): TanDEM-X in volcanology: Achievements and perspectives. In EUSAR 2018; 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (pp. 1-6). VDE. DOI 10.1007/s00445-015-0989-9.
- Kubanek, J.; Richardson, J.A.; Charbonnier, S.J.; Connor, L.J. (2015): Lava flow mapping and volume calculations of the 2012-13 Tolbachik, Kamchatka fissure eruption using bistatic TanDEM-X InSAR. Bulletin of Volcanology 77(106)::1–13, DOI 10.1007/s00445-015-0989-9.
- Kubanek, J.; Westerhaus, M.; Heck, B. (2015): On the use of bistatic TanDEM-X images to quantify volumetric changes of active lava domes. In: Proc. of the IAG General Assembly 2013, Potsdam, Germany, 1-6 September 2013, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/1345 2015 172.
- Kubanek, J.; Westerhaus, M.; Schenk, A.; Aisyah, N.; Brotopuspito, K.S.; Heck, B. (2015): Volumetric change quantification of the 2010 Merapi eruption using TanDEM-X InSAR. Remote Sensing of Environment 164:16-25. 16–25, DOI 10.1016/j.rse.2015.02.027.
- Kubanek, J.; Westerhaus, M.; Varley, N.; James, M.R.; Heck, B. (2014): On using bistatic TanDEM-X data for volcano monitoring. Proc. of 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar 2014 (EUSAR), Berlin, Germany, 3-5 June 2014
Úniversity Professor, Member of the Institute Management Board
+49 721 608-43674
hansjoerg kutterer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
01.90 Campus Süd
Research Associate
+49 721 608-43667
alexandra duckstein ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
01.90 Campus Süd