Dr.-Ing. Paul Vincent Kuper - CV
Work Experience
January 2011 - Until now
Research Associate at the Geodetic Institute of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
February 2016 – April 2016
Research visit at the TU Delft, Netherlands
February 2014 – April 2014
Research visit at the American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
February 2008 – Mai 2008
Internship at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in the Department of Ecological Modelling, Leipzig, Germany
April 2006 – October 2010
Student Assistant at the Institute for Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing (IGF), Osnabrück, Germany
October 2004 - December 2010
Diploma in Systems Science with focus on Computer Sciences, University of Osnabrück, Germany
Doctorate in Engineering (Dr.-Ing) at the faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
International Conferences
- Jan.: GIS and Remote Sensing Annual Scientific Forum (GRASF), Dubai
- Jan.: Middle East Geospatial Forum 2016, Dubai
- Jan.: Meeting of AUD's GeoInformatics Group, Dubai
- April: Geomatics Day, Delft
- Oct.: 3DGeoInfo 2016, Athens, Greece
- Feb.: GIS and Remote Sensing Annual Scientific Forum (GRASF), Dubai
- Feb.: Middle East Geospatial Forum 2015, Dubai
- Feb.: Meeting of AUD's GeoInformatics Group, Dubai
- Nov.: 9th 3DGeoInfo Conference 2014, Dubai
- March: Gulf Programming Contest 2014, Dubai
- March: Geoinformatik 2013, Heidelberg
- Oct: Meeting of AUD's GeoInformatics Group, Dubai
- November: 8th 3DGeoInfo Conference, Istanbul
- Oct.: Launch of AUD's GeoInformatics Group, Dubai
- Oct.: 3D Geologie Workshop, Flensburg
- Aug.: 15th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Bonn
- March: FOSSGIS 2012, Dessau
- Sept.:12th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, Minneapolis
- April: FOSSGIS 2011, Heidelberg
- Juni.: Geoinformatik, Münster
- Juni: 30th gOcad Meeting, Nancy
- March: Geoinformatik 2010, Kiel
- Feb.: FOSSGIS 2010, Osnabrück
- Nov.: 4th International 3D GeoInfo Workshop, Ghent
Certificates and Fundraising
- Faculty teaching award for high quality teaching
- Introduction to GOCAD for Building Geological Models course
- SKUA Quick Start class
- "Einführung in das Textsatzsystem Latex2e" des Karlsruher Steinbuch Centre for Computing
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS-Workshop für Fortgeschrittene
- Erfolgreich eingeworbenes EXIST-Projekt des BMWi mit der Produktidee GeoDroid
- Mentor des BMWi EXIST-Projekts GeoDroid
- Founder of the month
- ISPRS WG IV-7 (Geo-Data Management)
- Graduiertenschule des KIT-Zentrum Klima und Umwelt (GRACE)
- Conference Chair und Scientific Program Committee der 3DGeoInfo 2014, Dubai
- AUD/KIT Geoinformatics Group
- Jan.: "Geodatenbanken" Workshop an der TU München (Runder Tisch GIS)
- Oct.: "Geodatenbanken" Workshop an der TU München (Runder Tisch GIS)
- March/April.: "Mobile GIS and Android" Workshop an der AUD, Dubai
- Oct.: "Mobile GIS and Android" Workshop an der AUD, Dubai
- September: Workshop Mobile GIS mit Android am KIT, Karlsruhe
- Oct.: PostGIS-Workshop zum Start der GeoInformatics Group AUD/KIT, Dubai
- March: Workshop Mobile GIS mit Android am KIT, Karlsruhe
- September: Workshop Mobile GIS mit Android am KIT, Karlsruhe
Interests and Research Fields
- Java-Enterprise-Anwendungsentwicklung
- Android- (Open Handset Alliance) und Java-Mobile-Anwendungsentwicklung
- Entwicklung professioneller Mobiler GIS
- SQL, objekt-relationale and objekt-orientierte Datenbanksysteme (db4o, PostGIS, PostgreSQL, SpatiaLite, etc.)
- CASE (Eclipse EE), Entwicklung im Team (GIT, Jira, Confluence, Kanban, Scrum)
- WebGL und XML3D
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Div. ISO-/OGC-Standards der GIS-Programmierung (Geography Markup Language, Webservices, etc.)