Rock-Water-Ice topographic-isostatic gravity field model
In the framework of the REAL GOCE project, a high-resolution spherical harmonic representation of the Earth's topographic-isostatic gravitational potential has been derived at the Geodetic Institute of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The so-called Rock-Water-Ice model (RWI model) is based on a three-layer decomposition of the topography with variable density
values and a modified Airy-Heiskanen concept incorporating seismic Moho depths.
- Release 2012: RWI_TOPO_2012, RWI_ISOS_2012, RWI_TOIS_2012
- Release 2015: RWI_TOPO_2015, REQ_TOPO_2015
Release 2012:
- RWI_TOPO_2012: Spherical harmonic representation of the Earth's topographic gravitational potential (N=1800)
- RWI_ISOS_2012: Spherical harmonic representation of the Earth's isostatic gravitational potential (N=1800)
- RWI_TOIS_2012: Spherical harmonic representation of the Earth's topographic-isostatic gravitational potential (N=1800)
Vzz gravity gradient component of RWI_TOIS_2012 at the satellite altitude of GOCE

Main features:
- Three-layer decomposition of the topography using the 5′×5′ topographic database DTM2006.0 (Pavlis et al. 2007)
- Rigorous separate modeling of rock, water, and ice masses with layer-specific density values
- Rock: 2670 kg m-3, Water: 1000 kg m-3, Ice: 920 kg m-3
- Avoidance of geometry changes compared to classical condensation methods (e.g. rock-equivalent heights)
- Ellipsoidal arrangement of the topography using the GRS80 ellipsoid as height reference surface
- Adapted and modified Airy-Heiskanen isostatic concept
- Incorporation of seismic Moho depths derived from the CRUST2.0 model (Bassin et al. 2000)
- Location-dependent estimation of the crust–mantle density contrast
Further details are provided in Grombein et al. (2014).
- Forward modelling in the space domain using tesseroid mass bodies (Grombein et al. 2013)
- Transformation of global gridded values to the frequency domain by applying harmonic analysis up to degree and order 1800
Model versions and download at ICGEM (DOI: 10.5880/ICGEM.2014.001):
- Spherical harmonic coefficients of the RWI 2012 models are provided by three versions
(GM = 3.986004415e+14 m3 s-2, a = 6378136.3 m):
Topographic potential RWI_TOPO_2012 Download Isostatic potential RWI_ISOS_2012 Download Topographic-isostatic potential RWI_TOIS_2012 Download - To allow the evaluation of the RWI 2012 models by synthesis software that by default subtracts the coefficients of a normal gravity field, three additional versions are available:
Topographic potential + GRS80 RWI_TOPO_2012_plusGRS80 Download Isostatic potential + GRS80 RWI_ISOS_2012_plusGRS80 Download Topographic-isostatic potential + GRS80 RWI_TOIS_2012_plusGRS80 Download where the zonal harmonic coefficients of the GRS80 normal gravity field are added to the coefficients of the RWI model
Please acknowledge the use of the RWI 2012 models by citing Grombein et al. (2014)
Release 2015:
- RWI_TOPO_2015: Updated spherical harmonic representation of the Earth's topographic gravitational potential (N=2190)
- REQ_TOPO_2015: Consistent rock-equivalent version using condensed DTM-heights (N=2190)

Main features:
- Three-layer decomposition of the topography using the new 1′×1′ Earth2014 topography model (Hirt and Rexer 2015)
- Rigorous separate modeling of rock, water, and ice masses with layer-specific density values
- Rock: 2670 kg m-3, Water: 1030 kg m-3 (Ocean), 1000 kg m-3 (Inland) , Ice: 917 kg m-3
- Ellipsoidal arrangement of the topography using the GRS80 ellipsoid + geoid undulations as height reference surface
- Additional compilation of a consistent rock-equivalent version REQ_TOPO_2015, in which DTM-heights of water and ice masses are condensed to the constant rock density 2670 kg m-3
Further details are provided in Grombein et al. (2016).
- Forward modelling in the space domain using tesseroid mass bodies (Grombein et al. 2013)
- Transformation of global gridded values to the frequency domain by applying harmonic analysis up to degree and order 2190
Model versions and download at ICGEM (DOI: 10.5880/ICGEM.2015.001):
- Spherical harmonic coefficients of the RWI 2015 models are provided by two versions
(GM = 3.986004415e+14 m3 s-2, a = 6378136.3 m):
Topographic potential RWI_TOPO_2015 Download Topographic potential
(using rock-equivalent heights)REQ_TOPO_2015 Download - To allow the evaluation of the RWI 2015 models by synthesis software that by default subtracts the coefficients of a normal gravity field, two additional versions are available:
Topographic potential + GRS80 RWI_TOPO_2015_plusGRS80 Download Topographic potential + GRS80
(using rock-equivalent heights)REQ_TOPO_2015_plusGRS80 Download where the zonal harmonic coefficients of the GRS80 normal gravity field are added to the coefficients of the RWI model
Please acknowledge the use of the RWI 2015 models by citing Grombein et al. (2016)
Bassin, C.; Laske, G.; Masters, G. (2000): The current limits of resolution for surface wave tomography in North America. EOS Trans AGU, 81. F897
Grombein, T.; Seitz, K.; Heck, B. (2013): Optimized formulas for the gravitational field of a tesseroid. Journal of Geodesy 87(7):645–660, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-013-0636-1
Grombein, T.; Luo, X.; Seitz, K.; Heck, B. (2014): A wavelet-based assessment of topographic-isostatic reductions for GOCE gravity gradients. Surveys in Geophysics 35(4):959–982, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-014-9283-1
Grombein, T.; Seitz, K.; Heck, B. (2016): The Rock-Water-Ice topographic gravity field model RWI_TOPO_2015 and its comparison to a conventional rock-equivalent version. Surveys in Geophysics 37(5):937–976, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-016-9376-0
Hirt, C.; Rexer, M. (2015): Earth2014: 1 arc-min shape, topography, bedrock and ice-sheet models – Available as gridded data and degree-10,800 spherical harmonics. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 39:103–112, DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2015.03.001
Pavlis, N.K.; Factor, J.K.; Holmes, S.A. (2007): Terrain-related gravimetric quantities computed for the next EGM. Proc. 1st Int. Symposium IGFS: Gravity Field of the Earth, Special Issue 18, 318–323.
This research was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant number 03G0726F within the REAL GOCE project of the GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Programme.