

From satellite remote sensing to the mechanics of glaciers – enhancing the understanding of processes and supporting simulations

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024, 16:15
Fritz Haller Hörsaal, Gebäude 20.40

Ice sheets like the Greenland Ice Sheet are undergoing tremendous changes, from increasing surface melting to the acceleration of outlet glaciers and disintegration of floating ice masses. Satellite remote sensing enables various approaches to study processes, such as calving and supraglacial lake drainage, or systems, such as individual drainage basins or an entire ice sheet. We will start by discussing the use of high-resolution optical imagery, SAR interferometry, and polarimetric SAR to investigate processes. Next, we will consider using satellite altimetry to quantify ice sheet mass loss and a new machine-learning method for range detection. A particular focus will be on combining satellite remote sensing with airborne and in-situ acquired data and simulations based on continuum mechanical modelling.

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Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der Reihe Geodätisches Kolloquium
Prof. Angelika Humbert

Geodätisches Kolloquium
Geodätisches Institut, Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
E-Mail: galina tabacnik does-not-exist.kit edu; kuper does-not-exist.kit edu